I feel sort of sad for not being able to write regularly. I will up my game on this one ,
But i have to give myself a pat on the back, as i have not fallen off going to the gym or the weightloss one.
Its been 5 weeks now , i cant say enough of this - i feel greater than ever ,am very flexible and i have this positive energy around me ( though my hubby says i talk less ) well , talking much can be very annoying as i have recently discovered . I digress...
I am yet to go to the scales but as said earlier , that was not going to happen anytime soon .
The results are quite sure - not drastic but most definately , those who havent seen me in a month give me that look ! Am really enjoying the payback !
So i have noticed some days am so hungry , i want to eat the whole world and everything and in it. Since we had said earlier that we need to fuel our bodies right, then been wondering if this hunger means am punishing my body and so i should just go ahead and ' fuel ' it ..
But i know , bfeeding , hormones involved pmsing ...may tend to exaggerate how hungry i really am .
So i went and searched on how to fuel my body , but with the right things.
Snacking - when driving , behind your desk , on the couch - what comes to mind ? potato crisps , Chevra sausages in whatever form ( chipolatas) and digestive bisquits or cookies .....all this are glazed in fat and therefore could be sabotage to weightloss efforts .

So here are low risk ' snacks' that leave your body energized , and that help along goals.

- Good old apples.
- Low fat yogurt or non flavoured natural yogurt
- Grilled carrot sticks- or you can peel a carrot , cut it into thick stick and place it on a hot pan for 3 minutes . By the way it makes veges taste all yummy .
- mini sandwich with ham or lowfat cheese
- Taking lots of water is not snacking but it keeps you feeling fuller for longer , not to mention other benefits to your body and skin.
- leafy salads with a light cheese topping - this is a great midday snack an hour or two before lunch .
Remember small changes everyday , add up to major changes eventually.
Am amazed at how effortlessly i pick the natural yogurt nowadays and the way i was a sucker for the fruity flavuored ones. Turns out natural yorgurt has 70 calories per 100 mls and the fruity sugary one has 364calories per 100mls. Shocking i know - but you would rather buy natural plain and flavour it yourself!
More on that later !
Let the loosing continue!
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