If i had noticed earlier what a significant trait that represents , i would have started loosing weight sooner.
Having said that , i know for a fact , that i have lost so much fat mass. I say fat mass , because i am yet to go to the scales to confirm a figure. And the idea was not to run to the scales , as you also add muscle weight.Anyway on saturday i wore a dress that i haven't worn for a month, and there was so much space where the baby pot was positioned.
There is no way to explain the feeling you get , when effort starts paying off!
But looking at this photos- which i had taken as an album for my hair , i can assure you the loss is all over my body .
Am sure you will notice the changes too.
This was back when i was 190 pounds- yes i had hit that mark!
And someone was lying to me i still looked good? what ?
Just around the time weightloss journey began- 185 pounds..

And now- pounds lighter!
Even with the smile- you can see the cheeks are inches smaller!
I wear 'big' hair often - so the photos are of different times - big hair only dif is color!
My photos are not quality , and they may not show you the whole me- but you get the drill.
I now have a record of the whole me so well be seeing that soon .
Wambui Muhia
Good stuff. I follow your writing regularly, although I may not comment everyday. Don't stop writing. You'll inspire many.
ReplyDeleteHi there ! Glad to know some one somewhere misses my writing :-)))! Thank you and keep reading !
ReplyDeleteActually those cheeks are way smaller:-) Keep doing what you're doing!