Hello ladies!This month i have been on a roll doing so many great things - that even my weight-loss goals, and plans have been kept in the back of so many things i had planned to do . The month kept its promise to be one of the busiest for me this year - with little personal things that take up so much time.
Well am glad its over - and am back to blogosphere more than a day in a week.
So the month of september - the progress is not worth writing about because i was on i slow down , so i dint quite expect anything..
Funny the month where i gave my weight loss the least attention , it got most. I got so many compliments , and others not so welcome - heck i even got comments on my weight loss from very unlikely sources . I guess its the results of my hard work for the past three months. I also got some negative ones- and you know such people always exist, even when they try make it sound sarcastic - well i long learnt that jealousy is a compliment in disguise so i smile and move on-or tell them to move on :-)))). I appreciate them all anyway - but i dont do it for the compliments or else i would have given up the first two weeks .
The most amazing reaction i got was from my grandma who was all jaws dropped on the ground , and she wanted to know if i was going through something , if the babies were too much for me or what would make my body " waste away like that " .I had a good laugh at her questions I was so tickled at how worried she looked - she hadnt seen me in like 5 months . She saw me right after i got my baby , so i must have been 98 kgs. I laughed all the way and told her how happy i was and how hard i had worked to look like this. After a little lecture from me on why being so big is not so good on health , she gave up on the topic. Shes a very petite woman herself and shes in her 70s , and very healthy. She does not take sugar , in any form and offcourse you know the african staple foods (read githeri) are so nutritious , she cant be a kilo over 55- though shes not so tall. When i told her i would like to be her age and her weight so i could be as healthy as she is , she finished off with " ive tried eating on top of trees and i dont get bigger " but she got the point .
The positive compliments are great though , and they go to confirm the scales are not tripping , and i got to just exhale - ok , i can actually put my mind into doing something and actually do it .
As i went to the scales yesterday , i was not so enthusiastic , and i actually thought i had maintained my weight all through. Well turns out , i had lost three pounds. If you recall , my initial goal was 4 pounds every month for six months , so this is a little offtrack. However considering the things i had to do, i have to give myself a pat on the back for doing something very important- maintaining.
Over and over where we go wrong ,is have 6 months of intense weightloss, and actually loose , and we have a year of adding weight , and so we double the weight we had already lost .
So its official am 83.5 Kgs ...If you have been following my story , right after my baby i was 96kgs and i am amazed at how far i have come.
Am looking forward to October being really different , although i already have a holiday planned for the third week of October and you know - old habits are hard to kill. Holidays mean hotel food , drinking , no rest etc. However il try and do three days of good stuff , and two days of not so good food , and if you know me , thats quite a lot to give.
Someone told me shes on a slimming pill , and shell be updating me on that , but she has lost 5 kgs in two months. The only thing that scares me with pills is what they may actually be doing to the other organs say the liver etc.Well as i said before , different things work for different people , what is most important is living a lifestyle that , you eat healthy ,and are involved in physical excercise in a way that never at any one point , you will not have like 20kgs that you have piled up in a year - without a baby to show for it .
The most inspiring advice i have heard this month is this" your weight is like a bank account. Calories are withdrawals done every day depending on the "shopping " you engage in. The more food you put in it , the more there is in the account. The meaner you are in your account , the lesser you will eventually have . If you deposit as much as you spend every day - your balance stays the same. Where most of us fall under is where we always deposit more and we " shop" less.If this were a cash bank account , you would want to deposit more than you ever spend. But its a fat and energy deposit- so if you want to deplete your account , then spend spend spend , and deposit less of what you have been depositing .
What i have confirmed for sure this month is that in 90% of weight-loss is as a result of diet. The 10% is excersice though am sure i have said that over and over again. I have found myself naturally buying so much fruit and enjoying it , always prefer 5 pieces of beef in my stew , or one piece of chicken/fish.
I want to learn how to do more of this , because i do not wish to EVER be 90 kgs ever again. But since am working at not only not increasing the balance in my account - but depleting it , then i have to spend , spend , spend. I get bored really first - at any routine and maybe thats why i went to the gym twice a week this month .
However i have also found so many chores to do in the house that i do and sweat , and even if i have a housekeeper , and a nanny , its amazing i think i should do my own housekeeping and this not only makes me a seriously hardworking wife with a sparkly clean house...but i consider it " extravagant spending " from my bank account ( i have offshore(thighs) accounts with deposits ill target to use ). But i bet i can only do the hard house chores when theres someone else to do them - the minute its my duty , there goes my interest to do them so the housekeeper will stay.
I noticed the photos i post lately are such low quality - i dare say they do not serve me justice so i wont even do one today though i would have loved to because i changed my hair and i have this hot shoes i want to kiss right now - pics soon.
Take care
What we have tomorrow is as a result of how we spent our time today ! Weightwise - what we put in today - defines what size we wear tomorrow!
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Friday, 16 September 2011
unnecesarry and unwelcome comments ...
So it seems the blog has taken a nose dive and instead of being inspiring advice- i want to rant and rave .This is the last rant- i promise. So a few days ago , int he sunny afternoon i went to watch my 5 year old daughter , in their swimming gala- well they dont really swim to compete- more like watching them splash water in the baby pool. Because of the audience , it was held in a private sports club swimming pool. Being a kindergarten , means they were using only the baby pool - this particular one is quite wide .
The main pool was therefore open for the members of the club.. So in the middle of the kids splashing and competing to run to the end of the baby pool , a lady walked in - clad in her swim suit . She was not gigantic , but she was not so small either . So her thighs were wobling as she walked , and one child shouted -" look at that big fat lady shes showing us her pupu butt ..." and she went hahaha- and offcourse all the kids followed suit - and if you know kids , when they are laughing from amusement , they point at their source of amusement .
Before we knew it , some parents were also snickering , but it was more out of embarrassment than anything else.The lady in the swim wear, could have been anything between 100 and 110 kgs . If you ask me - that is not someone who is worth being laughed at . But- being in a swim suit makes the whole difference. In fact - if someone who was a size 8 and this lady probably size 18 stand alongside each other , this lady would look like shes revealing more than actual .This was really insensitive of the little brats - but whom should we really blame here?
There are many times we make fun of others and we really hurt and this are the behaviors other generations take up . In a related incident , just yesterday i went to a boutique near my house - and every time i go there , i swear not to return because the guy is a total a%&h*%.The only thing is he displays such stylish cloths on his display , i have found myself going there twice after swearing never to return .
So yesterday , i go there and he has such lovely jeans - and dresses. So i ask , do you have any of this in my size? The guy gave me size 22 jeans - and size a dress.
Whhaaaat!Then we actually exchanged a few words - because i was like - whose are those for, and he goes on to tell me , the way i shouldn't judge anything by how it looks ,i should wear the size 22 or whatever ... first bla bla bla.And he finishes his sentence with " you have to admit , you're not exactly size 10"
So in pure anger i wore the size 22 jeans - just to spite him - and off course they were way off, -
Now for sure i hope i will never find myself there again . I wanted to throw a shoe or a stone - anything .How annoying are such people ? if i ask for a size 10 , give me a size 10 let me try it on and rip the stitches off as i do it - and you will have mad a sale .
Sigh - i feel much better after letting that out .
I am a size 16 , though a stretching 14 jeans , currently fits just as fine. As a woman , am not in denial , but if you are in the selling clothes business , you need to evaluate your client first .
And to prove that sucker wrong , today i wore size 14 pants , and i dare say , they are even sagging at the waist so i have to fasten them with a belt.
So - before you open your mouth , to someone who maybe a size bigger than what you like - think twice - and if its not necessary shut up . Some annoying comments like - you should work out - or eat some salad - or at least you know how to dress your figure , - that would look better if i wore it ...you may say this with all the best intentions - but trust me they are not welcome and should not be let out . Its the same as going to tell someone whose face has acne something like - you should try clean your face at night ...or distasteful comments its like implying she doesnt shower enough or something. If however your opinion is sought , that is another thing all together .
Enough ranting and i cant surely promise there wont be more - it feels so nice.
Keep loosing ladies!
The main pool was therefore open for the members of the club.. So in the middle of the kids splashing and competing to run to the end of the baby pool , a lady walked in - clad in her swim suit . She was not gigantic , but she was not so small either . So her thighs were wobling as she walked , and one child shouted -" look at that big fat lady shes showing us her pupu butt ..." and she went hahaha- and offcourse all the kids followed suit - and if you know kids , when they are laughing from amusement , they point at their source of amusement .
Before we knew it , some parents were also snickering , but it was more out of embarrassment than anything else.The lady in the swim wear, could have been anything between 100 and 110 kgs . If you ask me - that is not someone who is worth being laughed at . But- being in a swim suit makes the whole difference. In fact - if someone who was a size 8 and this lady probably size 18 stand alongside each other , this lady would look like shes revealing more than actual .This was really insensitive of the little brats - but whom should we really blame here?
There are many times we make fun of others and we really hurt and this are the behaviors other generations take up . In a related incident , just yesterday i went to a boutique near my house - and every time i go there , i swear not to return because the guy is a total a%&h*%.The only thing is he displays such stylish cloths on his display , i have found myself going there twice after swearing never to return .
So yesterday , i go there and he has such lovely jeans - and dresses. So i ask , do you have any of this in my size? The guy gave me size 22 jeans - and size a dress.
Whhaaaat!Then we actually exchanged a few words - because i was like - whose are those for, and he goes on to tell me , the way i shouldn't judge anything by how it looks ,i should wear the size 22 or whatever ... first bla bla bla.And he finishes his sentence with " you have to admit , you're not exactly size 10"
So in pure anger i wore the size 22 jeans - just to spite him - and off course they were way off, -
Now for sure i hope i will never find myself there again . I wanted to throw a shoe or a stone - anything .How annoying are such people ? if i ask for a size 10 , give me a size 10 let me try it on and rip the stitches off as i do it - and you will have mad a sale .
Sigh - i feel much better after letting that out .
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Does this look like size 22 to you ? Think not !!:-) |
I am a size 16 , though a stretching 14 jeans , currently fits just as fine. As a woman , am not in denial , but if you are in the selling clothes business , you need to evaluate your client first .
And to prove that sucker wrong , today i wore size 14 pants , and i dare say , they are even sagging at the waist so i have to fasten them with a belt.
So - before you open your mouth , to someone who maybe a size bigger than what you like - think twice - and if its not necessary shut up . Some annoying comments like - you should work out - or eat some salad - or at least you know how to dress your figure , - that would look better if i wore it ...you may say this with all the best intentions - but trust me they are not welcome and should not be let out . Its the same as going to tell someone whose face has acne something like - you should try clean your face at night ...or distasteful comments its like implying she doesnt shower enough or something. If however your opinion is sought , that is another thing all together .
Enough ranting and i cant surely promise there wont be more - it feels so nice.
Keep loosing ladies!
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Low self esteem ....really?
Hey loosers :-)
Hope you are not only keeping well , but loosing the weight one gram a day .
I was not going to do a post today but i got this comment from a blogger and i thought i should share it.
" Hi Escaping...., i love your style of writing , sounds like you really an interesting person, and pretty too. Even when i look at photos of you , i think you are stunning . So instead of blogging on how to loose weight , i suggest you blog on the clothes- you look lovely in your LBD - or fierce hairstyles-h ve seen two in this blogs and you look hot . I think you should appreciate how you look and embrace it already "
This comment was from anonymous - and i dint publish it - i wanted to do a post on it . First dear anonymous - am not sure you are a he/she- but i thank you for the lovely compliments- on my hair and stuff. About me , and what i blog about - im not any less confident , than you , ( from your statements i assume you are ).However , my decision to loose weight , was more about how i felt - about my weight at 96kgs, and how i feel now at 85kgs. Was i happy with myself then - yes, did i wear clothes i considered pretty - most definitely and i also dressed up . If you have read my blog- am coming from being 65kgs-to 95kgs, in addition , its not even healthy to have fat lining up all my arteries- i need to be there as my children grow up. So i appreciate your sentiments, but this has 10% to do with how i look or my self confidence. Read between the lines and you will know there's so much more to loosing weight- for me at-least .Am sure you and people out there - most of whom are my friends who are 100kgs and more and very pretty ,and confident .
But this is not what its about .
Hope you are not only keeping well , but loosing the weight one gram a day .
I was not going to do a post today but i got this comment from a blogger and i thought i should share it.
" Hi Escaping...., i love your style of writing , sounds like you really an interesting person, and pretty too. Even when i look at photos of you , i think you are stunning . So instead of blogging on how to loose weight , i suggest you blog on the clothes- you look lovely in your LBD - or fierce hairstyles-h ve seen two in this blogs and you look hot . I think you should appreciate how you look and embrace it already "
This comment was from anonymous - and i dint publish it - i wanted to do a post on it . First dear anonymous - am not sure you are a he/she- but i thank you for the lovely compliments- on my hair and stuff. About me , and what i blog about - im not any less confident , than you , ( from your statements i assume you are ).However , my decision to loose weight , was more about how i felt - about my weight at 96kgs, and how i feel now at 85kgs. Was i happy with myself then - yes, did i wear clothes i considered pretty - most definitely and i also dressed up . If you have read my blog- am coming from being 65kgs-to 95kgs, in addition , its not even healthy to have fat lining up all my arteries- i need to be there as my children grow up. So i appreciate your sentiments, but this has 10% to do with how i look or my self confidence. Read between the lines and you will know there's so much more to loosing weight- for me at-least .Am sure you and people out there - most of whom are my friends who are 100kgs and more and very pretty ,and confident .
But this is not what its about .
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